X-RIS in the art world
We recently had the pleasure of welcoming some History of Art and Archaeology students from Liège University. Our team had the opportunity to share its expertise and to discuss how our cutting-edge technology can be applied in the art world. Our experts did not fail to impress them while demonstrating X-RIS capabilities in 2D and 3D imaging.
The use of non-destructing testing techniques such as X-ray is mandatory in museums in order not to damage priceless artefacts. Thanks to our custom-made solutions, the range of possibilities is extensive:
✅ Characterizing an ink or the support of a canvas.
✅ Providing information about the condition of an artwork.
✅ Analyzing the inner structures of statues.
✅ Uncovering hidden structures or information.
✅ Sheding a new light on painters’ techniques and working methods.
✅ Providing valuable insights into changes in some artworks.
✅ Identifying old restorations, paint loss and/or later additions.
At X-RIS, we are always glad to welcome passionate students and we enjoy collaborating with universities. Therefore, we would like to thank Eva Arambatzis, Amandine van Nuffel d’Heynsbroeck et Eva Lecloux for their keen interest in our work.