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User-friendly Software

Maestro, the user-friendly NDT software

Maestro was developed with one goal in mind: achieving an optimal image quality in a fast and easy way. Our in-house software is compliant with main standards and allows you to use the same interface from the image acquisition to the image processing/analysis. Because it was created in-house by engineers for engineers, Maestro combines efficiency with user-friendliness and can be customized to the customer’s needs.

Maestro Viewer

Enhancement and review of digital x-ray images

Maestro Grabber

X-ray detector & generator interface/HMI

Maestro System

Motion control and automation

Maestro RT

Radioscopy with RT filters enhancement

Maestro CT

3D x-ray imaging reconstruction & visualisation

Maestro ADR

Automatic Defect Recognition based on advanced algorithms and AI

Maestro Tomosynthesis

Fast multi-slices reconstruction

Maestro Drive

Easy image sharing & long-term data archiving

Maestro modules

Maestro Viewer

Maestro Viewer enables you to analyze digital x-ray acquisitions, characterize any defects according to current standards, edit reports and store data.

    • Real time enhancement filters (without affecting raw data): acuity, contrast, defect, denoise, edge, pseudo 3D,…
    • Acuity: one filter to rule them all.
    • Fast and easy review module.
    • NDT tools compliant with ISO 17636-2, ASTM E2698, E2737, E2597, ASME section V,…
    • Automatic performance check and reporting tool (PR5250, BSS-7044, AITM6-7007, NADCAP check list,…).
    • Image comments and annotations according to your needs.
    • Normalisation and comparison of ASTM digital reference radiographs.
    • Compliant with DICONDE file format.
    • Save images in tiff format.
Maestro Viewer
Maestro Grabber

Maestro Grabber

Maestro Grabber takes control of your generator and detector.

    • Complete control of many generators brands and models including safety features.
    • Interface any digital detector.
    • Touch interface dedicated to field use.
    • Calibration wizard in compliance with ASTM norms.
    • Create and save acquisitions parameters for production work instructions.
    • Save the files in different data formats including DICONDE.
Maestro Grabber

Maestro System

Maestro System manages all hardware components of an X-ray solution:

    • Monitor and control of all motion and safety components: anti-collision, interlock, safety devices, collimafilter,…
    • User-friendly HMI for robot integration and control with smart « Teaching ».
    • Dedicated and customized HMI for each system including real time 3D visualization.
    • Advanced trajectory planning for various acquisitions (Easy CT): CBCT, Half beam, Fan beam, Helical CT, Partial CT, extended view,…
    • Industry 4.0 integration: industrial network, Fieldbuses (EtherCAT, PROFINET, Modbus, CAN bus), OPC UA, open data protocol,… 
Maestro System
Maestro RT

Maestro RT

Maestro RT is a radioscopy module with the following features:

    • Video recorder and player.
    • Automatic switching from video to static acquisitions (based on image stream and without additional cable).
    • Easy integration in existing system.
    • GPU dynamic image enhancement filters during radioscopic imaging.
    • Snapshot during video acquisition.
Maestro RT

Maestro CT

Maestro CT is the in-house Computed Tomography module for 3D x-ray imaging.

    • Reconstruction algorithms for CBCT, Half beam, Fan beam, Helical CT, Partial CT, extended view,…
    • Automatic geometric calibration with easy editing.
    • Beam hardening and artifacts correction.
    • Advanced volume rendering with X-ray surface® method.
    • Display of the X-ray slice directly into the 3D volume.
    • Post-processing on slices thanks to Maestro features.
    • Import/export in open format of 3D volume (compatible with VG Studio).
Maestro CT

Maestro ADR

Maestro ADR offers a fast and accurate on premises automatic inspection and processing to indicate/evaluate potential defects.

    • Based on advanced analytical algorithms or AI neural networks.
    • From a simple annotation assistant to a fully automated decision-making process.
    • Multi -ayer annotations for cross evaluations and traceability.

Maestro Tomosynthesis

Maestro Tomosynthesis aims to acquire multiple images from a limited range of angles to create a stack of 2D images.

    • Localisation and characterization of defects in the depth of the part.
    • Faster than a full CT scan.
    •  An alternative when CT is not an option (large and thin objects).

Maestro Drive

Maestro Drive offers easy data sharing and archiving features on premises or in the Cloud.

    • Store, share and access to all of your files on any of your Maestro wherever you are.
    • Excellent traceability thanks to the image database.
    • Long-term archiving and cold storage options.
    • Advanced search engine: sort and retrieve any image based on part number, serial number or any customer-specified criteria.
    • Offline mode.
    • Users and access rights management.
    • Enabling users to share work instructions from Maestro System.
20200416 - architecture Maestro DACS